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The European Parliamentary Research Service raises the Committee for the Future as a model for the development of strategic foresight in EP

Published 2/7/2022 12:00 PM

​Sculpture in the Plenary Hall in which a female figure carries the future, a small boy, in her lap.​

The European Parliamentary Research Service raises the Committee for the Future as a model for the development of strategic foresight in EP

​On 2 February, Chairman of the Committee for the Future Joakim Strand participated in European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) online roundtable on stress-testing EU policies. The EPRS is developing a methodology for the European Parliament to stress-test EU legislation. This EPRS policy roundtable served to disseminate key findings from two EPRS publications and support the use of stress-testing in the European Parliament. ​

EPRS report draws on lessons learnt and recommendations stemming from independent research that encompassed a comprehensive review of reports and research studies, and in-depth research on four countries with advanced foresight practices (Finland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the United Kingdom). The report raises the Committee for the Future of the Parliament of Finland as a model for developing strategic foresight practices in the European Parliament. The development of strategic foresight practices in the European Parliament may lead to the establishment of Committee for the Future also in the EP.

“We need new foresight methods, such as stress testing, in order to create better laws. But we also need decision-makers with a tasked responsibility to challenge the obvious, think in the long term and look beyond the immediate threats and opportunities to the emerging ones. The strength of an institutionalised actor, such as the Committee for the Future, is to do this.

With this in mind, I would like to leave you with a question: Could the EU Parliament establish its own Committee for the Future — a political body tasked with advocating the long-term perspective in EU matters?

It would strengthen Europe in numerous ways, and we certainly all agree that the world of today would widely benefit from a much stronger European Union", Chairman Strand ended his speech at the roundtable discussion.

Committee for the Future and the European Commission have had dialogue on strategic foresight last autumn (Link to the press release). Enhancing cooperation with the ​​EPRS continues this dialogue on the topic.

Speech by Joakim Strand, Chairman of the Committee for the Future, Parliament of Finland

EPRS report How to stress-test EU policies

Committee for the Future