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Parliamentary Election Result Confirmed

Published 4/17/2019 7:00 PM

Parliamentary Election Result Confirmed

The Ministry of Justice confirmed the results of the 2019 parliamentary elections on 17 April. Voter turnout in the election was 72.1 percent.

For detailed information, see Information and Result Service of the Ministry of Justice

Eduskunta, the parliament of Finland, consists of 200 members. In this year’s election, 94 of the elected MPs are women. It is the highest proportion of women in the history of the Finnish parliament.

The members of parliament for the 2019–2022 term in alphabetical order

AdlercreutzAndersSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Uusimaa
AittakumpuPekkaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Oulu
Alanko-KahiluotoOutiGreen LeagueElectoral district of Helsinki
Al-TaeeHusseinThe Finnish Social Democratic Party
Electoral district of Uusimaa
AnderssonLiThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
AntikainenSannaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
ArhinmäkiPaavoThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Helsinki
AsellMarkoThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
AuttoHeikkiNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Lappi
BergKimThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
BergqvistSandraSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
BiaudetEvaSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Helsinki
BlomqvistThomasSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Uusimaa
EerolaJuhoThe Finns PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
EestiläMarkkuNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
EloTiinaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Uusimaa
ElomaaRitvaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
ElorantaEeva-JohannaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
EskelinenSeppoThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
EssayahSariChristian Democrats in Finland Electoral district of Savo-Karelia
FilatovTarjaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Häme
ForsgrénBellaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Central Finland
Grahn-LaasonenSanniNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Häme
GustafssonJukkaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
GuzeninaMariaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
HaatainenTuulaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
HaavistoPekkaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Helsinki
HakkarainenTeuvoThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Central Finland
Halla-ahoJussiThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
HarakkaTimoThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
HarjanneAtteGreen LeagueElectoral district of Helsinki
HarkimoHarryLiike Nyt Electoral district of Uusimaa
HassiSatuGreen LeagueElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
HeikkinenHannakaisaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
HeikkinenJanneNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Oulu
HeinonenTimoNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Häme
HeinäluomaEveliinaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
HenrikssonAnna-MajaSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
HolopainenHannaGreen LeagueElectoral district of South-East Finland
HolopainenMariGreen LeagueElectoral district of Helsinki
HonkasaloVeronikaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Helsinki
HonkonenPetriCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Central Finland
HopsuInkaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Uusimaa
HoskonenHannuCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
HuhtasaariLauraThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Satakunta
HuttunenHannaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
HyrkköSaaraGreen LeagueElectoral district of Uusimaa
HäkkänenAnttiNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
HänninenKatjaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Oulu
IkonenAnna-KaisaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
ImmonenOlliThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Oulu
JokinenKalleNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Häme
JunnilaVilhelmThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
JuusoKaisaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Lappi
JuvonenArjaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
JärvinenHeliGreen LeagueElectoral district of South-East Finland
KaikkonenAnttiCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Uusimaa
KalliEevaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Satakunta
KalmariAnneCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Central Finland
KanervaIlkkaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
KariEmmaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Helsinki
KariMikaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Häme
KaumaPiaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
KaunistoVilleNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
KauttoJuhoThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Central Finland
KemppiHilkkaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Häme
Keto-HuovinenPihlaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
KiljunenAnneliThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
KiljunenKimmoThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
KilpiMarkoNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
KinnunenMikkoCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Oulu
KiuruKristaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Satakunta
KiuruPauliNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
KiveläMaiThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Helsinki
KivirantaEskoCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
KivisaariPasiCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
KontulaAnnaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
KoponenAriThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
KoponenNooraGreen LeagueElectoral district of Uusimaa
KopraJukkaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
KoskelaJariThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Satakunta
KoskinenJohannesThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Häme
KosonenHannaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of South-East Finland
KotiahoJouniThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Central Finland
KoulumiesTerhiNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
KulmuniKatriCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Lappi
KurvinenAnttiCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
KvarnströmJohanThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
KyllönenMerjaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Oulu
KymäläinenSunaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
KärnäMikkoCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Lappi
KönttäJoonasCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Central Finland
LaaksoKristian SheikkiThe Finns PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
LaihoMiaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
LaukkanenAnteroChristian Democrats in Finland Electoral district of Uusimaa
LehtoRamiThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Häme
LepomäkiElinaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
LeppäJariCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of South-East Finland
LindénAkiThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
LindtmanAnttiThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
LintiläMikaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
LohiMarkusCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Lappi
LohikoskiPiaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Uusimaa
LundénMikkoThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
LöfströmMatsSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Åland
MalmNiinaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
MarinSannaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
MarttinenMatiasNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Satakunta
MattilaHanna-LeenaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Oulu
MeriLeenaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
MikkonenKristaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
MultalaSariNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
MustajärviMarkusThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Lappi
MykkänenKaiNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
MyllykoskiJariThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Satakunta
MäenpääJuhaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
MäkeläJaniThe Finns PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
MäkinenRiittaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Central Finland
Mäkisalo-RopponenMerjaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
MäkynenJukkaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
NiemiVeijoThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
NiikkoMikaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
NorrbackAndersSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
NurminenIlmariThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
OhisaloMariaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Helsinki
Ojala-NiemeläJohannaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Lappi
OllikainenMikkoSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
OrpoPetteriNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
OvaskaJouniCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
PaateroSirpaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
PackalénTomThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
PekonenAino-KaisaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Häme
PelkonenJaanaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
PeltokangasMauriThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
PeteliusPirkka-PekkaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Uusimaa
PiirainenRaimoThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Oulu
PirttilahtiArtoCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
PitkoJenniGreen LeagueElectoral district of Oulu
PuistoSakariThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
PurraRiikkaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
PylväsJuhaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Oulu
RanneLuluThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Häme
RantakangasAnttiCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Oulu
RantanenMariThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
RantanenPirittaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Central Finland
Rehn-KiviVeronicaSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Uusimaa
ReijonenMinnaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
RinneAnttiThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
RisikkoPaulaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
RonkainenJariThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Häme
RydmanWilleNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
RäsänenPäiviChristian Democrats in Finland Electoral district of Häme
SaarikkoAnnikaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
SalonenKristiinaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Satakunta
SankeloJanneNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
SaramoJussiThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Uusimaa
SarkkinenHannaThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Oulu
SarkomaaSariNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
SatonenArtoNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
SavioSamiThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
SavolaMikkoCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
SemiMattiThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
SimulaJennaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Oulu
SipiläJuhaCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Oulu
SirénSaara-SofiaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
SjöblomRuutNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
SkinnariVilleThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Häme
Slunga-PoutsaloRiikkaThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
SoinikoskiMirkaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Häme
StrandJoakimSwedish People's Party in FinlandElectoral district of Vaasa
SuomelaIirisGreen LeagueElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
TaimelaKatjaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
TalvitieMari-LeenaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Oulu
TanusSariChristian Democrats in Finland Electoral district of Pirkanmaa
TavioVilleThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
TolvanenKariNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
TorniainenAriCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of South-East Finland
TuomiojaErkkiThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
TuppurainenTyttiThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Oulu
TurtiainenAnoThe Finns PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
TynkkynenSebastianThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Oulu
UrpilainenJuttaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Vaasa
VallinVeikkoThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
WallinheimoSinuheNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Central Finland
VanhanenMattiCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Uusimaa
VartiainenJuhanaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
VehviläinenAnuCentre Party of FinlandElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
The Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of South-East Finland
VestmanHeikkiNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Uusimaa
WihonenJussiThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
ViitanenPiaThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
VikmanSofiaNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Pirkanmaa
ViljanenHeidiThe Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Satakunta
VirolainenAnne-MariNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
VirtaSofiaGreen LeagueElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
VähämäkiVilleThe Finns PartyElectoral district of Oulu
Väätäinen Tuula The Finnish Social Democratic PartyElectoral district of Savo-Karelia
YrttiahoJohannesThe Left AllianceElectoral district of Varsinais-Suomi
ZyskowiczBenNational Coalition PartyElectoral district of Helsinki
ÖstmanPeterChristian Democrats in Finland Electoral district of Vaasa
