​Society, politics and history

The Library of Parliament provides information on society, political activities, current affairs and history. The Library’s collection contains literature on political activities, the historical development of states, international relations and social problems. In addition to Finland, the collection also includes a wealth of materials on other countries.

The Library of Parliament provides information on society

One of the tasks of the Library of Parliament is to support the work of the MPs and other government officials. For this purpose, the Library has accumulated an extensive range of publications issued by different government officials. It holds Finland’s largest collection of official government publications.

As a public library, part of its remit is also to support members of the public in their search for information on society. The Library collates books, periodicals and online publications on various aspects of society, such as history, education and training, culture, social policy, sociology and economics. The Information Service of the Library serves both officials and the general public.

The Library of Parliament served as Finland’s national library in 1922–1923. Throughout its history, the Library has accumulated as wide a range as possible of official government materials, in other words documents published by government officials.

Our Finnish website features several information packages on history.​

Read more about Finland as a State.

The information package includes materials discussing the concept of a state, the actions and the future of a state as well as the history of Finland’s development as a state.   

Read more about Women's suffrage 110 years information package.

Women in Finland were granted full rights to vote and stand for elections 110 years ago.

Information package on government formation in Finland

How were Finnish governments formed earlier and what is the process like today, now that Parliament has the power to elect the Prime Minister and to decide on the Government Programme? The Information package on government formation in Finland is on our Finnish pages.

Read more about Information package on civic engagement.

Civic engagement in society contributes to addressing common issues and improving legislation, practices and the economy.

Information package on parliamentary elections

​​Members of Parliament are elected every fourth year. This information package explains what parliamentary elections are about. The information package is on our Finnish and Swedish pages. Eduskuntavaalit-tietopaketti and​ Riksdagsvalet-infopaket