Service charges of the Library of Parliament

All services are free of charge to core customers.

The Library's core customers are: Members of Parliament, parliamentary officials, parliamentary groups' offices, Members of the European Parliament, other parliaments, Office of the President of the Republic and Finnish Government.

Free services

– use of collections and catalogues, borrowing and library card
– reservations and notices
– self-service electronic information sources
– individual enquiries and checks and brief information searches
– advice concerning information searches and the use of information sources
– open information management training
– interlibrary loans
– loans to post-graduate researchers in the fields of parliamentary information, legal information or social and political information
– library presentations for groups
– public documents in electronic form delivered by e-mail
– copies, printouts and scanned documents up to the limit specified by the Library ​

​Services subject to charges

​Extensive information searches and/or special commissions

– customers will be informed of charge in advance
– delivery period maximum 3 days + mailing or by agreement
– € 50 / hour

​Scanning and digitizing of archive material

– material protected by copyright is not digitised
– € 50 / hour or according to the difficulty of the task

​Copies made by the library

– 60 pages tops
– delivery period maximum 3 days (+ mailing)
– 1–20 pages = € 0
– 21–40 pages = € 11
– 41–60 pages = € 22

​Charge for lost or damaged work.

– € 60 or according to invoice

​Only charges over € 10 are collected. ​