Finnish law

One of the roles of the Library of Parliament is to serve as the central public library on law in Finland. The library has extensive collections of official materials as well as jurisprudential literature in print and electronic format. The collection is maintained primarily to serve parliamentary work.

Finnish jurisprudential collection

The collection includes literature on Finland, foreign, EU and international law. The materials include statute drafting materials, statutes, treaties, case law and jurisprudential literature. The several databases of the library help one to locate the correct information.

The collection is continually being augmented by Finnish jurisprudential literature. In addition to EU and international law, constitutional law, philosophy of law, legal policy and comparative law are the main focus areas in the foreign legal literature acquisitions. The main body of the collection is formed by statute drafting materials, including committee and working team reports, Finnish and foreign statutes and court decisions.​

​Legal Sources information package

Court decisions and jurisprudence are based on legal sources and their appropriate application. The package is available in Finnish and Swedish only. Oikeuslähteet-tietopaketti and Informationspaket om rättskällor

Information package on the development from the Act on Partnerships towards gender-neutral marriage

The discussion on gender-neutral marriage began in connection with the preparation of the Act on the Dissolution of the Household of Cohabiting Partners (26/2011), which entered into force in 2011. This information package is available in Finnish only. ​Parisuhdelaista kohti sukupuolineutraalia avioliittoa -tietopaketti

Information packages on major legislative initiatives. The information packages provide information on the background to legislative initiatives and their progress as well as the debate surrounding the issue.