Information service

The Information Service of the Library of Parliament assists in finding information on law, social sciences and the Parliament. We carry out information searches within these categories in the Library and in the material of international organisations and the EU.

We search for information and materials in the Library’s own collections, and on the Internet as well as in Finnish and international databases to which the Library has access rights. We aim to complete information searches as quickly as possible – within three days at most. The information services are mainly free of charge. Only extensive information searches are subject to a charge.

The Information Service staff are able to assist with finding information but do not provide legal advice.

We will help you to find and independently use parliamentary documents, statutes, legal cases and the materials issued by the EU and international organisations. Databases and CD-ROM materials are also available for self-service use.

Enquiries can be addressed to the Customer Service, by phone +358 9 432 3432 , by e-mail or using a form. Information Service is open between 09:00 and 15 Mon–Fri.

The Library of Parliament participates in the joint online reference inquiry service Ask a Librarian.

Book an appointment with the Information Service

You can book an appointment to receive personal training on information searches, in which our experts will give hands-on guidance on how to search the library collections and online materials. We can also provide information search guidance with the remote access applications Microsoft Teams

The training takes about an hour and is based on the customer’s own information needs. Personal training is available on topics such as the library and archive collections, electronic materials and the information sources under different subject categories.

Book information search training